
Friday, July 29, 2011

J. Chou

认识我的人都知道我不是很喜欢那个J Chou 的啦...







12月9号 NIM PEH 等着你到来啊!! [好像很粗将]

牺牲得越多得到的就越多,i believe... the more u sacrifice the more u gain in the future.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


August will be a special month for me, a month full fill with happy, stress and also full with adventure....

First of all 1 of Aug my holiday is finished and need to pass up math investigation report....

then 3 Aug is Economy task....

5 Aug past up my holidays homework for economy(hvn't do YET)....

9 Aug (MOST+EST stressful day for me!!!) psychology report due date....

18 Aug math test....

and so on.....

until 22 of Aug is my evaluation exam start, i think i may unable to cope with my STRESS!!

College life can becoming more prefect if there is no exam (then u better go Holland and sell salted eggs (咸鸭蛋) haha~~~( and it's means go die)

Okie le lar.... better leave blog and go study lor~ Life is so suck when we no study properly.... life is so fuck when we study while having our holidays. Ai!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I have just the present moment

Look at the image below...
Do you know what is the content behind this particular paper,
There is a lot of cost and effect behind....

Today it may be RM 50 in ur mind set, but tomorrow it maybe depreciate to be 50 cent.
So tomorrow when u desire to buy a thing which worth RM50 today u may need TEN RM50 today...
Currency will change over the time, and it's time to save-up ur money...
Even thought i know u are RICH~ ^^
SAVING is always for your own not for others.

Since my pre-U life is start,
my two weeks breaks is finally coming & it's time to lay off & charging myself.

Last night(Friday)
After prepared all my stuff waiting for my sis @ together we were going back home...

Walao Eh~ Durian Durian!!

Along the way home... I saw a lot of stall along the curb selling durian (desired to have 1 oso)
Fortunately my MAMA and PAPA oso got buy a lot of durian and waiting for me at home...
I like DURIAN pretty pretty much MAN!!!

Recently, there is a 'lot' of people asking me why don't you go and find some ZHA BOH moisturize moisturize myself LEH~

Unfortunately, most of the time i will answer: I'm very busy de loh~
AI~~ You know lar, that is just an excuse...
The thing is no one want me, NOT i do not want find OK!!!!
I like the girl, very chubby leh~~

Maybe i have to wait... Wait for what lah???
Wait for 'her' coming lor..

i can not predict the future, i can only enjoy this present moment...
Because this moment is my own~ ^^

Saturday, July 9, 2011


My life is empty...

My life is dull...

Without someone concern,

without someone care.

You may pity,

You may laugh...


I can only sitting....

I can only singing...

And seeking, and Google searching for YOU~

MONEY!! I really NEED YOU!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I found that sexy not only can use on a girl or women...
Its quiet suit to describe my hostel...

My hostel is really SEXY man!
Because its really hot....
Without fan in my room, maybe its not longer to be HOT anymore, but also SPICY!!!
I din't lie, i swear~ LOLX (Laugh out Loud!)

Tomorrow is FRIDAY and my pretty weekend is coming soon! And of course my holiday is follow by~ YEAH!! The only holidays in my course (AUSMAT)

Honestly if u are plan to attend for university or pre-u, i advise u not to choose AUSMAT program, unless u want to save up ur time and take an express course... It would be EXTREMELY painstaking, and u must put on 200% effort to SCORE!

Free to read this...
I cannot predict the future, and I cannot change the past.
I have just the present moment; I must treat it as my last.
I may never see tomorrow, but this moment is my own.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I ought use the most simple way to present my BLOG~

Today i go swimming and now i want go sleep already.
Good night FOLKS~
C u guys~


Friday, July 1, 2011

F.U.C.K (18++)

In my home country MALAYSIA,
Actually is a positive word which is means that:
F: Fokus (focus)
U: Untuk (to)
C: Capai (achieve)
K: Kerjayaan (goal)

So next time when u come Malaysia please do not misunderstood when someone try to make u fuck with them.

After Monday is Tuesday and follow by W, T, F.....
WTF which means What The Fuck???
No, no ,no... It suppose to be

So next time when i type WTF don't ASK me why~

So, finally i pass through this barren week... Monday, Tue, WTF, i feel like 1 year is passing by.
Although tomorrow is weekend, but i also need to do my homework and do revision so that i FUCK. So do u want to FUCK with me?

Tired... I should take a rest first before i start to study and FUCK, thanks for reading my blog and once again...
May God bless you all the time.... Remember go and FUCK right now!!!