
Saturday, July 16, 2011

I have just the present moment

Look at the image below...
Do you know what is the content behind this particular paper,
There is a lot of cost and effect behind....

Today it may be RM 50 in ur mind set, but tomorrow it maybe depreciate to be 50 cent.
So tomorrow when u desire to buy a thing which worth RM50 today u may need TEN RM50 today...
Currency will change over the time, and it's time to save-up ur money...
Even thought i know u are RICH~ ^^
SAVING is always for your own not for others.

Since my pre-U life is start,
my two weeks breaks is finally coming & it's time to lay off & charging myself.

Last night(Friday)
After prepared all my stuff waiting for my sis @ together we were going back home...

Walao Eh~ Durian Durian!!

Along the way home... I saw a lot of stall along the curb selling durian (desired to have 1 oso)
Fortunately my MAMA and PAPA oso got buy a lot of durian and waiting for me at home...
I like DURIAN pretty pretty much MAN!!!

Recently, there is a 'lot' of people asking me why don't you go and find some ZHA BOH moisturize moisturize myself LEH~

Unfortunately, most of the time i will answer: I'm very busy de loh~
AI~~ You know lar, that is just an excuse...
The thing is no one want me, NOT i do not want find OK!!!!
I like the girl, very chubby leh~~

Maybe i have to wait... Wait for what lah???
Wait for 'her' coming lor..

i can not predict the future, i can only enjoy this present moment...
Because this moment is my own~ ^^

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