
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good faith may ALSO turn bad

No reason for us as a human to help others.
I should say that we are not legally bounded to help the others.
Unfortunately, when all the things come to under morality... Everything is turning around.

You have to lend a hand even-though you don't need to do so.
Perhaps I should be like Doraemon, got a magic bag!

Help people is not an easy stuff to do so, you may sacrifice a lot but just simply to help a 'NOBODY'.
Maybe I ought to say why I, my-self want to help the anonymous?
But I know I am willing to help so!
Just I am too tired.

We are responsible for the society and large, and to maintain the standard of morality in the society.
Do not scare for the blame on you, as long as you are helping people.
It's reasonable for you to get mad when you help others but they may sometimes still blame on you on whatever reason.

Remember this will not stop us form helping others.
I should had get use to it, should adapted to what had always happened on me.

Money makes people lose what belongs to them.
We are money slavery.

Friday, May 18, 2012










Sunday, May 6, 2012

A letter to me

Where am I,
What I am,
How is my life in the future?

A letter to my future~
6years from now onwards.
The reason why I subscribe to be receive in 6 years time, because, to finish my study will spent me 4 years, work like a pupil for two years, then only I can effort to save an amount of money which can satisfy my desire on travelling, learning music instrument(especially guitar and piano), buy a nice watch and etc...

6 years from now,
I want to spent part of my saving travel to Korea or Japan!
Shopping paradise! Certainly I am not go there for shopping but to enjoy the differences life style and culture, will definitely enjoy the foods there! haha!

6 years from today,
I want to learn different types of music instrument, the only reason is, because I feel like whoever playing piano , guitar or whatsoever are really charming, enchanting, attractive! Fascinating!
Believe me, I will learn all these things! It captivating me!

6 years later,
I want to buy a watch, use my money, choose by my own, of course it must be durable!
Smart phone does not makes any SENSE to me, let's say when you are urgent to check the time out, but do not have watch, then you have to take your phone out of your pocket. It feels like really make sense, but what if you are in a setting where your colleague and boss are discussing an important issue, but you knot your head down... lock on the phone, message received, facebook notification catch your attention...
BOSS whispering to his own : 'Damn it, do not pay any respect to our speaker!'

Don't you feel I am such a selfish? Only think of my own...ERM~
Sometimes, we shall treat good to our own...
'shall' , quite vague~ Maybe I have to use MUST next time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A story of another

Once upon a time...
She came into my life, and... my sentences crash, don't know how to continue anymore @@(non-sense)

She is a lady<--- @@, with dark black colour hair, slim, nice, sympathy, tolerance and brilliant!
'THE LADY' of course beautiful than others, I can feel the bunch of fire burn in her body~
The spirit to change the world...

She live in a family of five, not that rich...
I can imagine the kind of situation where piece of cake have to cut into 5 and sometimes can only lick the index finger and feel the taste...
NOT everyone can imagine it... I know that, don't pretend like you know as well~hehe

Due to the financial problem, she have to tight the stomach up~ That's why she look so slim!
Since she was small, she been 'force' to participated in plenty of competitions...
Certainly, she must win in the competition. Neither consolation prize nor 4th or 3rd in the competition, but first or second!
So the prize won can used to cover their expenses and the fees spent on studies~

She use to be my idol for now and forever!
Such a perfect lady I had never met~ Admire...
Honestly, I had never won a first prize or whatsoever...

By the way, this is the FIRST time throughout my life go to the gym!!!

Cool man! Naked..hahaha!!!
Have a nice day ladies~ enjoy my sexy picture, WAHAHAHA