
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Countdown 90 days

Just this afternoon, I saw someone posted something relate to The Mayas myth.
Its about the end of the world predicted by Mayas.

Many not even know what is Mayas,
what makes them think of Dec21st of 2012 is the end of the world.

Really funny when heard non-sense people,
acting like a pro...
giving all their 'opinions' without having any knowledge about Mayas.
In Chinese we call those people as not know pretend like knowing (不懂装懂)

By the way, this is my opinions:
I had been follow up all the Mayas and all the religious and civilizations all around the world.
For a few years.
Most (but not all) of the details I used to get from the internet or documentary movies.

Many of them are from expert. Not from others who like to pretend like they know a lot.
In fact not know at all@@ hehe
Really sometimes cannot 'tahan' those idiots^^

Regardless whether there will be a lot of disaster or not,
but I wish, I wish most of the human-beings should get rid of this world.
One form another die.
this is a very simple Mathematics calculation.
if you need 1, you will have to sacrifice the other.
           (1=0)                                   ------>                            (0=1)
 1 at the left hand-side sacrifice.                                        move to the right.

There will never be 1+1=3.
only 1+1+1=3.
a baby born will have to go through the 10months of pregnancy.
A lots of energy consumed.
A lot of money been used to brought some healthy foods and so on...
Only in exchange to give birth for a baby.

 Nowadays there is more than 7billions of humans living in this earth.
Earth will never affected.
Only humans will get affect due to the lack of resources and so on.
As the example given above, a human born will sacrifice a lot of resources.
Thus resources will decrease over time proportionally to the numbers of humans born over time.

So to be more precise,
70% of the humans population should DIE.
and the rest continue their life.

1. Morality corrupt
2. People are too selfish!
3. Peoples are opinionated

Among all my friends, there is only one.
The only one who really still practicing sharing is caring principle.
She willing to use all her money or else to help others!
She rarely get involved in various useless, meaningless activities. (e.g. smoking, drinking, go disco, many others mother fvcker futile activities!)

Why don't u guys use the money to help others!
Fvck you if you always 'burns' your money for smoking or drinking!
Go die and rather than wasting the resources.
Because of you many death indirectly...
But of you no share they wouldn't death.
If still you don't knw who is dying and death,
Then better go online not for facebook but read the news fvcker.

Please help them. Don't waste your money for a stupid idiot I-phone or others stupid luxury things for self satisfaction. Believe me humans are greed.
You will never stop only if you never started it.


  1. Hehe.. :) I didn't know you're interested with Mayan calendar and all. So cool. I completely see the reasons why you willingly accept Dec 21st if it really comes. Absolutely understand.. For me, I don't quite wish for it because I think that all lives is precious, regardless if the person is bad or not. Without bad people, we won't know how to reflect our attitude. We won't learn the true meaning behind "treasuring what we have". We won't know how to step up to fight for the best, for improvement, and to create a balance between good or bad. If this world only have good people, people will become too lazy, too comfortable and disasters will still happen also. I guess we can only try to get a balance community like yin yang. When there's weakness, there will be strength too. As you said, moral level dropping. So what must we do? Try our best to create awareness and be a part of that change. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know but this is what I humbly think. Heh..

    Thanks yeah, for coming up with such interesting topic for sharing. :)

    1. hehe^^ thanks for teaching me just how to find where's the comment allocated @@ and so spent some time to 'explore' !
      In regards to the topic, I would say a massive killing would or will occur even there is no natural disaster... (cruel ME)
      So that we, human would realize and wake up one day!
      GAN EN^^ for spent your time read my blog hohoho. Pls correct me if there is mistake made in the passages. (send it to my FB if u are/were to correct me^^)
      PLZ! otherwise my eng wouldn't improve wei, hehehehehe
