
Monday, April 23, 2012




Thursday, April 19, 2012



然后就去了我们马来西亚的湖滨公园(Taman Tasik Perdana/Lake Garden) ^^

Exercise involve your entire physical movements, not only your finger(s) by rubbing the smart phone screen~

Hey dude,一个公园没有几个...半个也没(美女)

Back to my point, 穿着MES的衣服~

是这样的,跑第一圈快完的时候其实有个蛮‘xia sue’的事情发生。
有个印裔同胞,突然间!很突然就你知道啦我跑的快吗~一直potong orang
mana tau 给她potong 掉~

不是我要干坏事而是有点自尊心受挫的感觉~ :)




读书和运动绝对是directly proportional effect...

Sunday, April 15, 2012





先是GULI,我想大家都玩过~ *其实我没有



macam yes 的样子,然后开始画在地上~

然后~又freeen 料~哈哈!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lower down the key please~^^

Low tone conducts self, high-sounding words works...

Adapting... It is hard to just keep your mouth close all the time, when there is gold teeth in your mouth... Erm~~ you know hnn~ Sometime just merely wanna show-off your beautiful gold made teeth...

A quite funny but also interesting story that I obligate to slightly mastering up my tone and share with all of you...

The story begin with three mans loss in the middle of the ocean. They run out of fuel, in the middle of the ocean there is no clean water to drink, no food(because they do not have the fishing skills)...
So what can they do is starving... Hoping the miracle come true, keep waiting and waiting and waiting~

Finally, they had come to a point where all of them gonna die IF... if they do not fill something into their Stomach!

Unfortunately, the two much more stronger guy decided to kill the weaker one.
This is the real story, don't doubt of me... I got the evident, just go search (R v Dudley and Stephens)

The name mention behind the cases is the murderers.
One thing I doubt after knowing this case is that the guy who scarify are beyond the decision, you know even he wanna defense him-self also~~ sort of impossible~

Two big guys, staving, the rose of morality where sometimes we may think of 'self-sacrifice is worth when two others live because of I am death' making his situation even worse...

This is what usually people do, I wonder why they do not want or attempting to think out of the box for a moment... Utilize the resources! There must be a way! Just keep trying! Trying and trying!
The reason why is because no one, including the GOD, have the right to take another people life.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Everything are changing, the stupid, silly and huge cellphone during the 80's century, in Chinese we use to call it '大哥大' (means very big and huge brother)

From time to time it getting slim and tiny, some even small like a match box. Few years ago, the trend of using a smart phone was rising bombastically! Whole world are crazy for it, even our grandparents~
Nowadays, child toy's are smartphone, they no longer need the real toys anymore... Come on BRO now play ping pong, gym, playing football and many many more, all you have to do is connect your gosh damn brilliant phone to the internet and download the applications or games. DONE! Sometimes they(the children) did really use it better than me (teach me how to use some more!)

It does look very smart for all the idiots who are using a smart phone! Idiots?? Am I offence many people out there? I wish they wouldn't beat me up...^^

Smart phone really make up some of the idiots life today, without it they will be like a WALKING DEATH hunting for it 'GAO GAO LAK' (means do anything to get stg)!
One thing for sure is the smartphone give a lot of convenience to us, you don't need to go online with a freaking big laptop, can 24 hours, 7 days a week on duty at Facebook, download video, musics and so on~

If you agree with that then you are also an idiot! Don't refuse it, Coz you are...
I don't see any advantage that the smartphone bring to our society and large. WTF Applx I-phonx, Sonx Erricsox, HTX, Samsunx?

Last time no smart phone we can also do all the things, so we use to learn in school/college, just like.... You know~ When you poo poo then you just poo poo, when you eat then you eat!

Today, okay this is the part that I hate the most!!! (be caution, you may found a lot of unusual words form in the following passages, just get use to it.... You know, it is just a tip of the iceberg~ facebook got a lot of naked picture share by your 'idiot friends' why don't you just quit FB)

WTFxxx every time when I hangout with my dog cat friends, they will just like pretend like... "YES, WHAT? I am with you right now...then tag me in their FB"
What actually is, their body are with me but the soul are fucking stick on the phone.

No point to keep walking and see the fucking face stick on the fucking idiot smart phone rather than just find somewhere sit down and 'talk'.
Again, there will be always someone taking out their damn it phone and take photo... It is okay if you just take one or two BUT the fact that it is just like damn shit 3-4 hours keep taking photo!

Usually if you hang out with your friends, 90% of the time you are just walking alone! Seriously!
The other time will be use to spent on the phone... viper? sms? talkbox? a lot more!!!

YOU damn fucking smart phone change our life becoming like a walker!!!! No YOU no ME!
No phone I rather go die! Even die I still on the FaceBook and say Good-bye~~~~

Hate it pretty much!
Trust me! Our life will be getting more sucks with all the smart 'idiot' humans create all these smart 'idiot' things~
Divorce, family break down, break-up with partner and the stress where your boss still can be able to give you works even you are outside there....Because of the smart phone.

Idiots do not know the cost of using a smart phone. So do you?

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Orientation is always the most time consuming, useless and boring part for most of the University student.

O~kie~~ Yes, of course you can flee form the orientation... no comment.

I usually will harness the time of orientation to just give me more chances to get use to the entire environment, especially when it is new to me.

The second thing that usually a man will do is to explore the treasure, I means beautiful girl hnn~ Of course I am also a human being right~ Without a pretty girl around you know it is hard for me not to fall in sleep during the lecture time~ Yes, so now you know how important is being a female right! haha

Is to entertain male need!!! hahaha
Of course you girls are also need handsome guys right, without us you will also get boring right~
(Or else next time move the table, chair, carry all the stuff from ground floor to the 5th floor....BY your own)

Forget to mention, unfortunately there is no pretty girl...even one in the program that I had enroll. Just wanna shout out loud 'SHIT'! Damn boring!!!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Keep pressing your-self to do better.

Life have to go on even there is somethings critical, unacceptable, unpredictable or unpleasant things are happended on you.

Guys, there is always the 3rd choice for you to make your final dicision even though you had already decided. ( In the other way round, you can choose to correct or change the decision you had make.

Everything seems to be flashing across my eyes in the speed of a light.

I have to speed up my foot step to chase up what I had loss in the pass. Navy is rose, 'kia shu' are conquered me, being a loser for too long in my life. It is the turning point, of course not U-turn...

Step one step further, do not brother what people command, despise or criticize you, just be who you are!
Of course the bad should be throw and reserve the good.
You deserve to get a better future if you work hard now!

3 years with endless assignment, exam and course works are waiting for me!
Gosh! Somebody save me please~

The Australia Matriculation(AUSMAT) was a nightmare for me, 9 months of suffering...
At the same time it makes me recall my housemates! I miss you all! I wish we can have another time to gather, I will Remember the moments we all together for the rest of my life!!!

Too many things to vent out here,
Powerless to change something undesired.
Powerless to get something desire.
Powerless to forget some part of the memory when it is unforgettable.

I wonder sometime I can get something what I really want easily...
BUT the fact that no pain no gain... Even though you suffer a lot, it does not promise you to get what you want.