
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The longest nightmare

I will be having my second paper tomorrow morning for certificate for legal practice examination, there are 5 papers in total.

Currently my psychological status is in a very bad condition.

I started to wonder how do people even pass all of these papers in their first attempt or perhaps their second.

Despite all of my negative concern bout my tomorrow exams, all I can do right now is to study non-stop and hope for the best.

That's the spirit we all should possess isn't it?

The spirit of never give up and always looking forward for the best outcome instead of being negative and depress all the time.

Surely in life, there are moments we feel like want to give up, but as long as we don't, one day, or sooner or later we will certainly be able to harvest the fruit of success!

Like what my dad always told me, it is ok to fail, but, remember failure doesn't mean u can get defeated. Move on, the life isn't depending on that one single test.

After all, of course i am not saying I will fail this or i am not hoping that I can pass this SHIT.

I deeply believe that I will make it through all these and manage to pass all of these papers in this first attempt!

Damn, seriously, this life is so miserable!

4 more papers to go, 9 subjects in total, 9 more days left!

May all GODS bless me can pass this exam! PLEASE!!!!

Have a nice day guys and wish this article can get to motivate some people in some deep shit like me@@.

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