
Monday, September 30, 2013

Asian, let the Western flourish with innovation and creation

As a Malaysian, no doubt, I know pretty well how our education system is conducted.

This is a very terrible way in constructing our new generation with such education system.

Let me give you a very simple example which I experienced my-self throughout my life until I finished my secondary school.

First, I would like to start with the subject 'Moral'.

As the subject name indicated, this is the only subject that teaches us how to behave like a human.
(sarcastically, to be a human or be a high moral value human-being, we need no memorize those freaking sentences and pass the exams)

To be or not to be that is the question. Yet, life is not as what Shakespeare described in the Tragedy of Hamlet but as a Malaysian like I do, we must comply with our very failed education system.

Until today, as a University student only I realize how failed am I for spending so many years and study nothing except from improving my memorisation skill.

Yes, that is the point, we are comply and being taught to memorise for a better score. This does happen at most of the Asian country. (Otherwise they will be lesser pirate items in countries like Malaysia, China and so on)

p.s Please do not generalise my speaking or writing, but I can tell most of Asian countries did or does.

I am quite sad some times as I cannot find one who can suit my mind and understand me well.

In resolving certain task, many would definitely refer to or follow the instructions as stated.

Instead of having such a notion to just 'give it a try'

and maybe there will be a new or better way or perhaps there is only one particular way to solve the task,

but, don't you think it is better to try than to obey?

To be honest, I am a very random people (including my mood) XDXD

Yet, I am proud of my-self. haha (self compliment)

That is just because I can find no way to just obey everything people gave or give and instructed.

To achieve doesn't really mean you have to follow step by step.

A very classic example is when people use the stairs,

maybe you will find some of the people will take one then another,

but you will also find one like me who jump all around, randomly jump across the stairs.

If you are those typical man or woman, I would suggest you to try jumping around.

Forget about what you parents told you to be 'GUAI GUAI' (means obediently), you might or may get hurt,

but you might or may gain something from doing so, no one know right^^

Just a little bit more about my private life I will then put a full stop for today, hehe

This is the 20th day in Newcastle, UK.

This is a total new world for me, new study environment with many air-corn from don't know where, its always cold even I shut all the doors and windows close.

*damn, winter is coming, may Santa Claus bless me, give me money will do. $$$$$$ :)

I had my lecture in the past 2 weeks, nothing special to be share here other than the weather. XDXD

I liked it though...

Have a nice day guys. May someone please exist and change our rotten education system.

Otherwise there will be more and more Malaysian change their nationality and become foreigner.

No joke man, and here I will be the first to praise your country ruling party from making Malaysia as the WORLD'S NO.1 TALENTS exporter!

Monday, September 2, 2013








现在他奶奶的又有什么skype,instagram, 还有很多我不懂得。




LOL XDXD, 凶多吉少!!












